Wednesday, December 23, 2009

New Year's Resolution 2010

Dear World (or someone who cares),

Like many people I make New Year's Resolutions every year, but never keep them. This year I'm going to start off fresh. I just graduated high school Class `09 hoorahh!!! I just turned 18 and I'm at my first year of college. After graduating high school my life has had a down turn. For 2010 I am planning on turning a new leaf and get back to what I love to do. READ. It is funny how I forgot how much I love to read. It's sad how much Facebook and television has consumed my life. I am planning on changing that. I feel I have been getting dumber and dumber by the minute.


1. Bring reading back into my life.
(I'd tell you all of the rest of them, but I haven't even started to think of the one's I'll really keep)


Read all of the books written by Nicholas Sparks.

That makes it...
1. The Notebook
2. Message in a Bottle
3. A Walk to Remember
4. The Rescue
5. A Bend in the Road
6. Nights in Rodanthe
7. The Guardian
8. The Wedding
9. Three Weeks with my Brother
10. True Believer
11. At First Sight
12. Dear John
13. The Choice
14. The Lucky One
15. The Last Song

So that makes it fifteen books. I don't have a time frame, but I don't think I read slow. I would like to accomplish this goal, but if I don't please don't hold me to it. I might change my mind and only pick out the books that interest me, or maybe I'll read the books that have been made into movies and compare. All I'm saying is I have the right to change my mind. All there is left to do is pick which one I want to read first. (:

Goal-achieving freshman


  1. That is such a great New Years Resolution. Mine is so ordinary, so popular, so common...but I'll be sticking to it. Hopefully.

    I like your mission, too. To be real honest, I've never read a book by Nicholas Sparks. I've always wanted to, though, so much! I don't know what to start with. I was thinking of The Last Song or Dear John...but I'm not sure. By the way, good luck on your mission! Take your time and savor the moment ;) Reading is precious.

  2. What a rare and wonderful resolution! I have had a passion for books since I first learned to read 30 years ago. I even like the smell of books! Thanks for stopping by my blog and Happy Holidays!

  3. I'm glad you're going to try bringing reading back into your life! I can only speak for myself, but I really don't know what I would do without it.

    And best of luck on your goal! I still need to read some of Nicholas Spark's books (though they make me cry way too often), but that sounds like a great mission. Enjoy! :)

  4. I like your resolution! Good luck with it! :)

  5. Read them all! My favorites are The Rescue and Bend in the Road. I own them all! The only one I didn't read in a matter of days was Three Weeks With My Brother. The rest I usually finished in a day or two. Love them! Curious how you knew I liked his books, though???

  6. I would highly recommend Three Weeks With my Brother. :)
