Thursday, March 25, 2010

If I Could Make Time Stop

Dear Time Travelers,

So I just finished reading The Time Traveler's Wife, I must say this is moving towards being on my favorite book list. This love that Henry and Clare share is so magical, I can't even describe it. Poor Clare, poor Henry, poor Alba, I did not want Henry to die, but then again he does still exist with all of this Time Traveling.

I must say, Clare and Henry are very sexual, I laugh. Audrey Niffenegger you shady lady.

I am so curious to see how the movie turned out, I want to know how they filmed Eric Bana being naked in front of a 6 year old girl. While I was reading, I could totally picture Eric and Rachel being Henry and Clare.

Honestly, I want to someone's Clare, but if I could have my own Henry I don't know if I could because I don't think I could be as strong as Clare. Having a time traveling husband would scare the living daylights of me. I would want a Henry minus the time traveling part. I just want to find a love that Henry and Clare have.

Find me my Henry.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

A New Journey Begins...

Dear Lovers of Books,

I made a mistake, I thought I was getting Lovely Bones, but I'm not.

My new books arrived two days ago!!!!!!
I already started to read The Time Traveler's Wife. I think I'm going to have to read this one slowly because I'm getting so confused with all of the time traveling! HAHA. I like how in the first chapter Clare and Henry go straight into having sex. But on her part Clare's known him for years, he just doesn't know it. Hahaha I like how when he time travels he can't take his clothes with him. Hilarious, yet sexy.

Hilarious, yet sexy.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

More Gooooodies!

Dear Fellow Bloggers,

I've been waiting FOREVER for my dad to order me new books.

1. Time Travelers Wife
2. The Last Song
3. The Lovely Bones.

I haven't watched the movies yet, but I am a little iffy (I don't know if iffy is the word I want to use) about watching The Last Song, it's only because I could care less about Miley Cyrus. Ugh, I like all the women who played the lead in Nicholas Sparks movies: Rachel McAdams, Mandy Moore, Amanda (I can't spell her last name) and Diane Lane. I don't think I can put Miley in that same category.

I can't wait until they come!!! I'll be checking the mail everyday(: I feel like a giddy child.

Giddy Child.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

1 month and about 2 weeks later...

Dear Someone Who Hasn't Given Up On Me....


I didn't think it would take me this long, but it did. Life's obstacles can get in the way, moving, remodeling, school starting, parents visting, work, etc. I had to keep making new goals for myself, but I did it. I finished it 2 days before the movie comes out!!! YAY! I am interested to see how different it is and how similar it is (the book and movie). I want to see if I can feel what I felt when reading it. Everyone says the book was sooooo good and they love it. Well I have mix feelings about it. Apart of me wishes Savannah and John ended up together, but epilogue says it the best. True love is putting someone elses happiness before yours. It made me sad to realize that John did what he did because he put Savannah's happieness before his. All I have to say is Damn you Nicholas Sparks, damn you.

What book is next?!
