Wednesday, February 3, 2010

1 month and about 2 weeks later...

Dear Someone Who Hasn't Given Up On Me....


I didn't think it would take me this long, but it did. Life's obstacles can get in the way, moving, remodeling, school starting, parents visting, work, etc. I had to keep making new goals for myself, but I did it. I finished it 2 days before the movie comes out!!! YAY! I am interested to see how different it is and how similar it is (the book and movie). I want to see if I can feel what I felt when reading it. Everyone says the book was sooooo good and they love it. Well I have mix feelings about it. Apart of me wishes Savannah and John ended up together, but epilogue says it the best. True love is putting someone elses happiness before yours. It made me sad to realize that John did what he did because he put Savannah's happieness before his. All I have to say is Damn you Nicholas Sparks, damn you.

What book is next?!



  1. i only saw the movie and i cryed 8 times,most i have ever cryed in a movie. i now want to read the book b/c i hear all this good and bad reveiws about the book. i agree though i hated nicholas sparks for the stiry line toward the middle.

  2. Dear John was a great book!! I've learned that if I own the book it makes it easier to set it down! But if I get it from the library I am more likely to finish it!!! Happy Reading!
